Dusty Yakker showing us how to choose which size Ketch Board is right for your needs in tournament fishing.

With the launch of our new website we’ve noticed a lot of new people who are not familiar with our products buying from the website. That is awesome and we love seeing all of the new customers who didn’t know about Ketch before.

We just wanted to take his opportunity to educate everyone about the difference in the size of the 26″ and 32″ boards because we’ve had some returns lately when people actually get their 32″ board in and realize just how big that is.

We sell a lot of 32″ boards to happy customers, some fishing for larger species of fish but also many bass anglers still prefer that bigger board “just in case”.

So just a reminder to have everyone consider how you’ll be using the board and where you’ll store it before choosing a larger board to be sure that’s what you actually need.

Thank you to all of our customers new and returning, welcome to the Ketch family,



  1. Sam Weiss April 23, 2024 at 8:38 am - Reply

    Need a board that is 24″ so it fits inside kayak better

    • Dwain Batey April 24, 2024 at 5:59 pm - Reply

      We get some requests for a board between 26″ and 32″, or longer than our 32″, but rarely anyone wanting one shorter than 26″, since it’s common to catch bass longer than 24″. That’s not one that we’ll be producing, but we do appreciate the feedback.

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